Friday, January 18, 2013

Resources related to the 2013 Jakarta Flood – Google Crisis Response

We saw first hand a year ago the high potential for flooding in Jakarta and other parts of Java and Bali in Indonesia. Unfortunately, this year has been much worse and Google is now tracking the situation to try to help those who face the massive flooding or have family and friends who do. The city of Jakarta also faces some big barriers to solve the problem of flooding which gets worse as the city develops further. 


Resources related to the 2013 Jakarta Flood

Major flooding in Jakarta

On Thursday, 17 January 2013, torrential rain has caused massive flooding in the Jakarta Capital Region, Indonesia, virtually shutting down the city. We will continue to update this page with maps, links, and other useful resources.
Last update: January 17, 2013 9:19 PM UTC

Emergency contact information

Phone Hotline: 021-345-9444
SMS Center: 085880001949

Maps and satellite imagery

News and Updates

Dale Steele
"Preste la atención a los cielos abiertos usted nunca sabe lo que bajará"